
Chakras – a energy system within us, that we are not educated on.

What is the 7th Chakra? Explore the Crown Chakra, aka Sahasrara because you are connected!

Wide Legged Forward Bend, Prasarita Padottanasana, third eye chakra, yoga for third eye, yoga for intuition

The crown chakra, also called Sahasrara in sanskrit, it’s the seventh chakra of the seven main chakra system and it translates into “infinite”. There is no determined psychological development but normally it occurs from the age of 42 and onward and it’s all about returning to one’s original spiritual nature and home. The challenges brought […]

What is the 7th Chakra? Explore the Crown Chakra, aka Sahasrara because you are connected! Read More »

What is the 6th Chakra? Explore the Third Eye Chakra, aka Anja because you are Intuitive!

Wide Legged Forward Bend, Prasarita Padottanasana, third eye chakra, yoga for third eye, yoga for intuition

The thrird eye chakra, also called Anja in sanskrit, it’s the sixth chakra of the seven main chakra system and it translates into “command” and “perceiving”. Its psychological development occurs between the age of 35 and 42 and it’s all about perception and discrimination. While all other Chakras are related to different instincts, impulses, wills,

What is the 6th Chakra? Explore the Third Eye Chakra, aka Anja because you are Intuitive! Read More »

What is the 5th Chakra? Explore the Throat Chakra, aka Vishuddha because you are Pure!

Plow pose, poses for throat chakra, vishuddha yoga

The throat chakra, also called Vishuddha in sanskrit, it’s the fifth chakra of the seven main chakra system and it translates into “especially pure”. Its psychological development occurs between the age of 28 and 35 and it’s all about the authentic expression of truth. When balanced, the throat chakra fosters clear, concise and honest communication.

What is the 5th Chakra? Explore the Throat Chakra, aka Vishuddha because you are Pure! Read More »

What is the 4th Chakra? Explore the Heart Chakra, aka Anahata because you are Love!

puppy pose, melting heart pose, heart chakra pose, open the heart chakra

The heart chakra, also called Anahata in sanskrit, it’s the fourth chakra of the seven main chakra system and it translates into “unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten”. Its psychological development occurs between the age of 21 and 28 and it’s all about love and the flow and exchange of emotional sharing between us and all others.

What is the 4th Chakra? Explore the Heart Chakra, aka Anahata because you are Love! Read More »

What is the 3rd Chakra? Explore the Solar Plexus Chakra, aka Manipura because you are powerful!

Solar Plexus Chakra, Half Lord of the Fish Pose, yoga for solar plexus chakra, yoga for IBS, yoga for digestion, solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra, also called Manipura in sanskrit, it’s the third chakra of the seven main chakra system and it translates into “city of jewels”. Its psychological development occurs between the age of 14 and 21 and it’s related to finding out what one really wants and what one’s sources of strength are. It

What is the 3rd Chakra? Explore the Solar Plexus Chakra, aka Manipura because you are powerful! Read More »

What is the 2nd Chakra? Explore the Sacral Chakra, aka Svadhishthana because you are creative!

Utkata Konasana, goddess pose, yoga for sacral chakra, yoga for creativity, increase creativity, increase libido

The sacral chakra, also called Svadhishthana in sanskrit, it’s the second chakra of the seven main chakra system and it translates into “where your being is established.” Its psychological development occurs between the age of 7 and 14 and it’s to begin with our ability to be creative, emotional, and in tune with ourselves and

What is the 2nd Chakra? Explore the Sacral Chakra, aka Svadhishthana because you are creative! Read More »

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