Types of Yoga – which is the best for me?

tree pose, forest, yoga, types of yoga

types of yoga Yoga has become a popular practice nowadays, but there is so many different types of yoga that most beginners can get overwhelmed.  ”Yoga does not transform the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.” — B.K.S. Iyengar So let’s start from the beginning with Hatha Yoga- the most well-known  type […]

Types of Yoga – which is the best for me? Read More »

How to clean yoga mats naturally? 3 natural ways to clean your and your children’s yoga mat

how to naturally clean yoga mats

HOW TO CLEAN YOGA MATS NATURALLY? 3 natural ways to clean your and your children’s yoga mat By Lizandra Deister Yoga mats are a sacred space and you want to keep it like that. Cleaning your yoga mat is an act of self-care and you want to make sure you take good care of your

How to clean yoga mats naturally? 3 natural ways to clean your and your children’s yoga mat Read More »

What is the 7th Chakra? Explore the Crown Chakra, aka Sahasrara because you are connected!

Wide Legged Forward Bend, Prasarita Padottanasana, third eye chakra, yoga for third eye, yoga for intuition

The crown chakra, also called Sahasrara in sanskrit, it’s the seventh chakra of the seven main chakra system and it translates into “infinite”. There is no determined psychological development but normally it occurs from the age of 42 and onward and it’s all about returning to one’s original spiritual nature and home. The challenges brought

What is the 7th Chakra? Explore the Crown Chakra, aka Sahasrara because you are connected! Read More »

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