Yoga from scratch – A beginners guide to Yoga

Categories: Yoga
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About Course

“Yoga from scratch” is a beginners guide to Yoga.

You have heard yoga is good for you, you have tried it and you got lost on so many different poses, styles, breathing techniques… Let me give you a hand!

Everyone starts somewhere and in this course you will be given the basic understanding of Yoga.

We will be talking about the Yoga everyone knows about, the more physical part of it, aka “asanas”, what different types of postures there is, as well as what are the benefits of those postures. But we will also touch the more theoretical part of Yoga, the eight limbs of Yoga, where beyond postures, yoga includes behaviors, attitudes, breathing techniques, concentration and meditation.

You will also have the opportunity to experience three different styles of Yoga as three different classes, so that you can feel what you may need at the moment. The styles included are: Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga and Yin Yoga.

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A beginners guide to Yoga, yoga from scratch
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What Will You Learn?

  • Different Yoga postures and their benefits
  • Yoga philosophy
  • Different Yoga styles

Course Content


  • Introduction


Experience different Yoga styles

How to get started?

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